摘要:探讨长期振动训练对老年女性动、静态平衡能力及下肢关节肌耐力的影响,为预防老年人跌倒提供干预措施。采用美国PowerPlate振动仪,对13名55~65岁健康老年女性进行24周,3次/周,25 min/次(频率30~40 Hz,振幅3 mm)的无负重全身振动训练。在干预前后采用Good Balance平衡仪测试受试者动、静态平衡能力,使用德国IsoMed 2000等速肌力测试受试者的膝、踝关节屈伸(60、180°/s)等速肌力。结果发现:24周的高频振动训练增强了老年女性动、静态平衡能力,尤其在左右方向上改善效果显著,同时,对膝、踝关节屈、伸肌群的绝对力量、爆发力和耐力也有不同程度的改善。全身振动训练可作为提高老年人平衡能力和肌耐力的一种干预手段预防老年人跌倒的发生,对不习惯主动运动的人群也是可行的锻炼方式。
关键词: 全身振动训练;平衡能力;等速肌力;老年人;跌倒
中图分类号: G 804.21文章编号:1009783X(2015)06057205文献标志码: A
Abstract:This paper sets to study on the effect of longterm vibration training on elderly womens dynamic and static balance ability and lower limb muscle endurance,so as to provide intervention measures for the prevention of falls in the elderly.With the American PowerPlate tester,13 women aged 5565 years old were trained in 24 weeks,3 times / week,25 min / (frequency 30~40Hz,amplitude 3 mm).The Balance Good tester was used to test the dynamic and static balance ability of the subjects,and the knee and ankle flexion and extension (60 /S,180 /S IsoMed) were used to test the knee and ankle joint strength.The results show that 24 weeks of high frequency vibration training has improved elderly women’s static and dynamic balance ability,and the improvement is especially obvious on the left and right direction.At the same time,there are also varying degrees of improvement on the absolute power of knee and ankle flexor and extensor,explosive force and endurance.Therefore,whole body vibration training can be used as an effective method to improve the balance ability and endurance of the elderly people.It is also a feasible exercise for the elderly to prevent falls and those who are not used to active exercises.
Keywords:wholebody vibrations;balance ability;isokinetic muscle strength;elderly;fall
中国已逐渐步入老年化社会,每年有2 000万的老年人发生跌倒[1],带来昂贵的医疗费用和一系列社会问题;因此,预防老年人跌倒是学者研究的热点。现有研究证实,平衡能力下降和下肢肌力的衰退容易引起老年人跌倒。如何有效地改善老年人平衡能力及增强下肢关节肌力,较多的学者从运动干预方面进行研究,如长期进行太极拳[2]、五禽戏[3]、抗阻力量训练[4]等可取得较为积极的效果。众所周知,绝对力量的退化会影响老年人的行动能力;但事实上日常活动中需要人体有强度而短促的肌肉力量,因此肌肉爆发力在人体活动中也扮演着重要角色。研究还指出老年人肌肉更容易疲劳[5],目前改善老年人肌肉爆发力和肌肉耐力的研究甚少。